A Bastion of Cultural Conservatism, outside the political parties. 

For that reason, we have resurrected the movement that originally gave meaning and form to patriotic, cultural conservatism

The Labour (socialist) government is demonstrating only too clearly that it doesn't care about the most vulnerable on society. The Winter Fuel Allowance reductions are cruel and impact pensioners anxiety as well as finances and physical health. The VAT on independent school fees will hit children with special educational needs and children of our armed forces families the hardest. The latest scandal of a Labour donor paying for the Prime Minister's clothes and those of his wife demonstrates that Keir Starmer is not his own man and that he is a huge hypocrite. The government will only add to these horrors in the budget and when it starts to attack our constitution and democratic system. This is a government that will accelerate the dismantling of our national history, culture and institutions and tie us back into the European Union. We must oppose this and are working on plans as to how best to do so. 

We must also change the tack of British politics back onto a truly conservative course that places the interests of the United Kingdom and the British people first. The Nation needs a bastion of patriotic cultural conservatism that gives a refuge, platform and voice to the millions of concerned people who have nowhere else to turn, people of all political parties and of none. The Primrose League is building that bastion, the Primrose League will stand up for the United Kingdom and the British people and the Primrose League will stand against the rising tide of new, woke, socialism. The Primrose League will stand up for the interests of the United Kingdom and the British people, and we will support only those politicians who do the same.



We must build a confident, optimistic, prosperous and secure future for our Nation, founded on the values, heritage, customs, traditions and principles that have served the Nation well for centuries.

Westminster politics are in a mess. Policing, education, health, defence and more are being degraded, our borders are open, immigration is unsustainable and threatening our culture and democracy. 

The Nation's defences are being neglected and the population is being overburdened with unrealistic and economically harmful net-zero targets. 

Standards in public administration and public life are being abandoned. The country is riven by identity politics and a left wing agenda to discard our independence and the history, culture and traditions on which our society was built, 

The confidence and morale of the Nation have been undermined, and cultural conservatives are being ignored.


The Primrose League is a patriotic, mass-membership organisation (not a political party), first established in 1883, at a time when there was a need to define conservatism, enhance the ascendancy of Britain, strengthen and broaden democracy, counter the rising threat of socialism, and address social tensions - much as is the case today. At its height, our antecedent had a membership of around 2 million. The Primrose League soon became the principal home for patriots with culturally conservative beliefs, throughout the nation.


In 1883, a small group, including Winston Churchill’s father, Randolph Churchill, founded the Primrose League. The League shaped popular conservatism based on British history, culture and heritage, and promoted the powerful sense of patriotic national unity, social responsibility and confidence we associate with the late Victorian era up until the early 1970’s. The League has returned…

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We believe Britain Is Great, but there's a great deal to be done. We also believe that problems present opportunities, and we believe in solutions. However, to bring about the changes that are needed, we must come together in a great union; a team, an association, a movement of Britons...

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The natural place for those who are concerned about preserving British culture, heritage, traditions and pride should probably be the Conservative party. But conservatism has largely lost its definition, meaning and direction and has been subverted by liberals. This has given opportunity to socialists...

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  • We advocate the furtherance of the United Kingdom and its interests, respect for our history, culture and customs, preservation of established institutions and traditional principles within a political democracy. 
  • We believe in policies designed to benefit the ordinary person as well as the Nation.
  • We believe that society should be allowed to evolve naturally and not be engineered.
  • We believe that the Nation's history, heritage, customs, traditions and values must be preserved as the foundations on which society will evolve and grow.
  • We believe that members of society have obligations towards each other.  

These and the preservation of our democratic system and constitutional monarchy, the rights of our citizens, and the broad interests of the Nation against Marxist socialist attack, must be the main purposes of political action and public life.

Our antecedent movement was founded in 1883, at a time when there was a need to define conservatism, enhance the ascendancy of Britain and the Empire, strengthen and broaden democracy, counter the rising threat of socialism, and address social tensions - much as is the case today. At its height, the Primrose League had a membership of around 2 million, and soon became the principal home for patriots with culturally conservative beliefs, throughout the nation. 

We are back.

We are not a political party, nor are we affiliated to any political party. The League is a politically independent, culturally conservative, extra-parliamentary movement that seeks to influence politics.

There are those in society who make it their business to do our country down, to create and encourage identity based divisions in society and to obstruct progress. But the League has always emphasised patriotism and a powerful belief in Britain.

Cultural conservatism is not about us. It is about the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is bigger, broader, deeper and more important than any political party. It is about the Nation, our people, our history, our culture, our character and the achievements of those who made Great Britain great.

We will support only those politicians and parties that reflect our beliefs in that regard.

What we stand for

To paraphrase Winston Churchill in a speech he gave to the Primrose League, our purpose is:

To further the interests of the United Kingdom, pursue ever greater confidence, optimism, prosperity, security, pride and patriotism in the United Kingdom and amongst her people, preserve our democratic system and constitutional monarchy, the rights of our citizens, and the protect the broad interests of the Nation against socialist attack. For us, now and henceforward, these must be the main purposes of political action and public life.

For more on our Mission and objectives 

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Our Mission

Successful politicians are those who make people feel good. Confidence, optimism, prosperity and security are what people feel. They are things built on our values, culture, heritage and traditions, but supported by practical and positive actions, that is why those things are so important to preserve. But, people will remember how you make them feel, not the specific laws you enacted or the polices you pursued that made them feel that way.

As a movement, our mission is: 

To use our influence to continually promote and enhance the confidence, optimism, prosperity and security of all the people of the United Kingdom and His Majesty's realms and territories abroad.


The Primrose league Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 14776583
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